Why is James Shrestha’s Reacting to Nikisha Shrestha Tiktok video wrong?

I am a straight ciswoman and I find James Shrestha’s Reacting to Nikisha Shrestha Tiktok video produce of ignorance and implicit biases against minorities, especially the LGBTIQ+ and working-class communities.

4 min readSep 18, 2020

Yes, I find James Shrestha’s Reacting to Nikesh Shrestha Tiktok video produce of ignorance and implicit biases against minorities, especially the LGBTIQ+ and working-class communities. I still refrain from using the word hate because it is too strong of emotion and expression. However, the video does promote hatred against the trans people and suggests it is okay for people to disrespect someone’s choice of identity.

Before I start, I want to make a few things clear for “James and the Jantas”:

  1. I am not an expert on LGBTIQ+ issues, but I try to educate myself on the LGBTIQ+ matters every day. Why? Because they make up a significant part of our community, and they matter. Guess what? You all can do it too. Reading on these issues is as easy as reading anything else, and all the educated, English-speaking “Jantas” would already be reading a lot, right?
  2. No, I am not jumping in to voice my support for Nikisha after James’ video. So don’t use the statement like where were you when Nikisha was receiving all the hate before. Just because people decided to talk about it now and not early does not make the video any less wrong.
  3. I am not trying to hate on James. I am only trying to put it out there loud that trans lives matter, and Nikisha here is a minor too. Did you know trans people are being murdered around the globe? Especially in Brazil, where the rate of murder of trans people is increasing exponentially? In a world that already burdens trans people with their hate, ignorance, and mockery, we don’t need “Reacting to Nikesh Shrestha Tiktok.”

Okay, let me break down what was wrong in the video.

  1. “Janta janna chahanchan, Nikesh, or Nikisha?” This statement is the epitome of ignorance. James, Jantas, and the person in the background (Narayan) need to stop being so nosy about someone’s sexual orientation; if you can’t respect/accept someone’s choice, don’t talk about it. Don’t pass on your ignorant beliefs; please, we don’t need that here. The only thing the Jantas need to know/learn is to respect differences.
  2. “Tapai haru lai k maanparcha?” What Nikisha identifies herself as must not be based on what James’ Jantas like. Through this statement, James denies Nikisha of her preference and implicitly supports others who do the same. This behavior is against every effort that people have made towards diversity and inclusion.
  3. “Nikisha Vai-ni re k” followed by a huge laugh. Do I need to elaborate on this? It is disheartening to see people, especially those who have been privileged enough to have access to good education, laugh at statements like these.
  4. “Rest in Peace English,” when will we stop laughing at people who can’t speak/read in English. Isn’t Nepali our native language?

The video was uncalled for, and after reading/watching different people respond to it, some of the responses that baffles me are:

  1. When did laughing at memes become a crime? Right when laughing at a person’s choice of her name: “Janta janna chahanchan, Nikesh, or Nikisha?” , “Tapai haru lai k maanparcha?” and Nikisha Vai-ni re k”, was disguised as laughing at a meme. A person’s preference and sexual orientation is not a meme.
  2. Not everyone has the luxury to surf the internet to find everything about everyone. Cool, it shocks me that such a busy person can make videos to diss on people.
  3. He is a good-hearted person. Maybe he is but the way he is disabling the comments on the video, not acknowledging the fact that the LGBTIQ+ community feels attacked, and not removing the video on being asked tells a different story. Maybe he is a good-hearted person but only for people that look like him.
  4. He simply had no clue. Well, now that he does what did he do? Disable the comments instead of taking the video down or asking for a sincere apology from the LGBTIQ+ community? Oh I also saw him share a video in which someone supports him but the guy is still calling “Nikisha” “Nikesh”. Sorry, it sounds like an elite excuse to me.
  5. James donates food, clothes, warms blankets, etc the abandoned kids and elderly. Great, but sorry, this does not justify what he said in the video.



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